Win32 Disk Imager 1.0.0
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Win32 Disk Imager (Image Writer for Windows) is a disk imaging backup package. The idea with this software is that it will let the user copy an existing disk image which can be saved to a USB-connected disk, USB flash drive, or burned to a DVD or CD disc. The raw image file is most often used for backups of whole drives or complete systems.
Whilst the software only supports performing a MD5 checksum on the original disk image, the developers make the suggestion that it is a good idea to perform a MD5 or similar reliable hash checksum to verify whether the original disc image file exactly matches the disk image copied or burned to separate media. When it comes to backups, you can never be to careful, so this advice should be heeded. Therefore, test writing some data as a disk image for the purpose of verifying if the data is being copied correctly is an excellent process to protect from backup failure following a PC hard drive failure. This goes for the media source and the media destination.
The installation proceeded without any issues. There were no malicious software additions with Win32 Disk Imager.
Win32 Disk Imager requires Windows OS. The software is open-source, so it can be used as is and source code altered as needed.
The interface is fairly simple.
The disk image file to create or burn a copy needs to be selected. This is done by clicking on the small blue folder icon to the right of the Image File field. The device to look for the image file can also be selected from a drop-down list of storage options.
There is a simple “Copy” button to start the copying process.
A check box to the right of the “Copy” button offers a MD5 hash checksum option which will reveal itself once a) a disk image has been successfully selected; and b) MD5 checksum ticked.
A long progress bar can show how far the disk image copying process has gone. Below the progress bar there are further buttons for “Cancel” to cancel a copying process, “Read” to read the data into the application, “Write” to burn the disk image to a new CD or DVD, and “Exit.”
- Copy an existing disc image to a USB flash drive or USB hard drive
- Burn a disc image to a CD or DVD
- Perform a MD5 hash checksum on the original disc image
- Lacks a valid check post-copy or post-burn to verify that the new disc image backup matches the MD5 hash checksum for the original disk image.
Win32 Disk Imager (Image Writer for Windows) is a reasonable disc imaging package to create a new version of an existing disk image and save or burn it to removable media. This includes a CD, a DVD or a USB flash drive.
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